Motivation for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are known to have one characteristic that separates them from every other person on the planet, and that is their level of commitment, which makes motivation one of the most important things to keep in mind. For an entrepreneur to have success, being committed every day and motivated to do the things they want … Read more

How to make yourself a brand?

dark angel

You have a strong personal brand when people know that you can clearly answer the following questions: Can you help me Strong personalized brands provide clear answers. Gordon Ramsay can teach you to cook, improve your restaurant business – this is what most people will say. What is the source of your strength? Good personal … Read more

Masterplan For SEO

1. Know Your Keywords First of all. You can’t do much without knowing what catchphrases your objective market is utilizing to find answers for their concerns that your organization tackles. This requires a little examination. Venture inside the shoes of the expected client of your item or administration. How might you track down answers for … Read more

What’s it like to be a failing startup?

startup plan

Depending on its role in a startup, failure is difficult to accept or accept some compared to others. One of the startups I worked for, one of them, in particular, had three separate groups, of which I would classify as optimistic, pessimistic, and in-the-middle. (Defined below) What I learned is that a drowning vessel may … Read more

What does it take to make a successful brand?

Creating a successful brand is about distributing your brand messages or fundamental values ​​with your confidence so confident that they become an evangelist or just put it to spread about your brand. To spread those fundamental values ​​about your brand, you have to recognize: What’s your Why do you do what you do? Whenever the … Read more

Cause of so many startups fail


I have worked with more than 100 startups in the past years and have run five businesses myself. My experience – in order: No. 1) Weak performance Most failed startups have not been able to execute in time and a considerable lack of judgment. They worked very hard on product features, with very few in … Read more